Forever Life Naturals

Our Story

What We Believe

Our Mission

There isn’t a person alive that doesn’t know that there is wisdom in the ancient ways of cultures and healing. Today, technology and greed have united to make many drugs that are no longer serving the first purpose of helping humankind… instead they synthetically steal ignorantly from nature, greedily “owning” rights to serve us inferior substances, fillers and unproven drugs that target one part of the body while injuring others.

Forever Life Naturals is dedicated to bringing forward those products technologically that are whole and honor the plants and herbs they sprung from. We do this so that your body might be mysteriously part of the great circle of health and healing that awakens true miracles in your quality of life.

Anahata Graceland
CEO and Friend
Forever Life Naturals, LLC

Needing Better Health

Starting Forever Life Naturals

I was a child who had been born antibody deficient. I did not always feel well and struggled to breathe due to asthma and many allergies.

Starting at the age of 11, I had a vision that would eventually lead me to this wonderful journey. I was standing outside of my house in upstate New York not feeling well as I was just standing there for a moment doing nothing when suddenly I had an image of rushing water in my minds eye. Like a rushing stream of melting mountain water with white caps twisting and turning. I then heard distinctly “Don’t be concerned, I will bring you something that will help your ills…” and at that moment I knew it wasn’t merely for my ills as whoever was sharing with me whom I like to call the spirit of life, meant it for all of humanity. I knew it beyond the knowing of my own name. That was it in a nutshell. And for years I told people don’t worry, one day there will be something that will help us all and you will see I am right.

Well, now I am nearly 70 years old. And in early 2021 my housekeeper was sharing a thought in my presence as she got ready to start her work and said the words "Nano Soma".

The moment she said the words I saw the same vision and felt the same exact way I did so many years before. So, I immediately asked her for any info she had on it. I founded the company and bought a few thousand dollars of Nano Soma right away, without ever trying it or even learning about it. I felt I knew it was what that vision had been all about many years ago!

Sound crazy? Well, actually it isn’t. We are amazing creatures. That much I have come to know in my many years.

Meant to be

How Nano Soma Helped Me

At the time I was due for back surgery and could barely walk a half of a block without having to go immediately to the ground. I was in terrible pain. My ankles, face and all my joints were swollen and though I still worked. I simply fell into bed at night taking pain meds to sleep just a couple of hours before being awakened by pain again.

Then I took Nano Soma and somewhere around 8 days later, my pain was reduced 70 to 80%, lessening the need for so many pain medications (tylenol, ibuprofen, oxycodone). I do still take a bit in the late evening, however, it is minuscule compared to how much I took previously.

My swelling went way down, I felt energy like never before and I had a mental focus that was awesome! I also walk daily many more times what I had been doing for years, because I had the urge to!

My own dog paralyzed old service dog Eddie, had his hair grow back after having gone bald from Cushings disease due to taking prednisone to survive his pain. Eddie now takes 1/5th the amount of prednisone and all of his hair has grown back and on top of it, he loves his wheels now and runs around our property 3 times a day enjoying himself immeasurably. None of that was occurring while on his usual meds before Nano Soma. And he looks at least 2 to 3 years younger by far!

I would love for you to read about and watch others’ stories as well. People with high blood pressure, high glucose levels, serious skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and many other conditions have found their bodies healing profoundly with the support of Nano Soma (Metadichol®) for their immune system.

Let’s stop damaging ourselves the way so many drugs do by using sensible means to address our ills, life energy and aging wherever we can.